Computer hardware and software

Computer hardware and software


The Computer Hardware and Software are the two components that make up every computer system. So that without them, the computer as we know it would be a mere name for an imaginary empty system.

Definition of terms

Computer Hardware comprises the physical part of these components which can be manufactured, touched, and felt. They are the input and output devices that every computer user comes in contact with. Some of them are **The Monitor, hard drive, printer, webcam, microphones, RAM, Network Card; **which the computer functions through.

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computer hardware.

Computer Software are the set of instructions or programs used to perform tasks on the computer. They are the series of data stored electronically on the computer’s hardware. It instructs the hardware on what to do, including when and how to perform specific tasks. These data are represented with a series of ‘ons’ and ‘offs’ called binary code. Each ‘on’ and ‘off’ is a unit of data known as a bit.

The major components of computer Hardware and software

  • Application Software

  • System Software

Application Software

This software helps the user perform specific tasks. For instance, the Ms.word helps a user to create documents, **Ms. excel **is used to organize data in rows and columns, perform calculations, and present data in graphs, Ms. PowerPoint is used by users to display information in the form of slides. Lastly, Google chrome is used to access the internet.

*It is likened to a house which the owner furnished with appliances to serve the different needs of the owner. These appliances such as television or washing machine represent the application software. *

System Software

This is a set of programs that controls the computer hardware. It is the platform for running the application software. It acts as the interface between the user and computer system on one hand and also analyses, configures, maintains, or optimizes the computer system on the other hand.

Examples of System software include:

  • Operating System: the Operating systems for desktop are: Mac OS, Microsoft Windows, and Linux while the the Operating systems for mobile phones are: Apple IOS and android.

  • Utility Software: such as anti-virus software, and file manager.

  • Firmware and

  • Device drivers.

Also, in our illustration, the house furnished with the appliances does not automatically work on its own. It will require electricity to function. System software represents the electricity that controls the appliances.


The computer system is a framework of hardware and software components. The hardware is the physical part while the software is the set of programs that instruct the hardware. The computer software is further divided into system and application software and lastly, the system software is responsible for running the application software.